Blogger Tip: The wrong image appears when I share to Facebook

Are you trying to share one of your new posts to Facebook but the wrong preview image appears?

I have one specific image I want Facebook to use if either myself, or someone else decides to be oh so kind and share, and some times Facebook just doesn’t want to co-operate.

I tried indicating the image I want by making it my Featured Image (I’m using WordPress!) but that didn’t work.

I finally figured it out!!

Use the Facebook Object Debugger tool.
I found it at that URL, but you never know if they move it so do a search for that specific tool (and leave a comment below so I know my page needs to be updated 😉

Screen Shot 2015-12-02 at 1.31.43 PM

Copy your URL of the page you are having a hard time with and paste it into the Debugger tool. Click “Show existing scraping information”.  A page full of information will appear. A little more then halfway down the page you will see og:image with a preview of the image Facebook will post when that URL is shared.

If that is not the image you want shown, scroll back up to the top of the page and click “Fetch new scrape information”. Scroll back down and your image you want should appear. If it doesn’t, click the button again until the correct image appears.

Truthfully, I’ve only had to click Fetch new scrape information once before Facebook found the correct image to use. So if clicking the button more then once does not work for you, I’d be interested to know. I highly doubt I’ll be able to help you, but I’d like to leave the correct information here to share with others.

Make sure you follow along as I share more Blogging Tips & Tricks I’ve learned over the past 12 months! Or I’ll share what I’m doing and you can see what works for you. Also, don’t forget to download a FREE copy of my 2016 Social Media Scheduler to help keep you organized.



  1. Found your site on Google. This is a cool post. I’d like to see you take the main idea from this article and carete another second article, and maybe you could embed a vid, also?

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