Tuesday’s Tips & Tricks: 1000 ways to use an ice cream scoop

You’ve heard of a 1000 ways to use duct tape? Well, I’m pretty sure I can come up with 1000 ways to use an ice cream scoop. Ok, perhaps I exaggerate a little, but honestly, if there is one tool I find invaluable in the kitchen its my ice cream scoops. Yes, plural. I have multiple ice cream scoops. They come in all colours and sizes. I use different ones for different purposes but honestly, it’s my regular sized ice cream scoop I reach for most often.  It’s just when I want to get all fancy smancy that I grab the other sizes. 😉

ice cream scoops - tips and tricks for the kitchen

So let’s get started on all the ways I use an ice cream scoop in the kitchen:

  • measuring out cooking dough – it always makes a perfect round ball and cookies will all be the same size
  • scooping muffin mix into muffin tin
  • scooping cupcake mix into cupcake liners
  • scooping banana bread into individual little designer loaf pans
  • evenly distributing cake mix between cake pans
  • making meatballs – again, so they are all the same size and round
  • small scoops replace my melon baller – make watermelon or other melon balls
  • scooping out pancake mix into frying pan
  • scrap out the inside seeds of melons or squashes
  • core apples or pears before baking
  • use your scoops to make truffles
  • great for making cake pops
  • serve food quickly to large groups, allows for portion control (ie. potato salad, coleslaw)
  • makes uniform potato pancakes
  • makes uniform crab cakes
  • scoop slushy alcoholic drinks
  • use the handle to peel fresh ginger
  • scoop out the inside of a cucumber chunks to make cucumber cups
  • hallow out tomatoes to make stuffed tomatoes
  • scoop out the inside of baked potatoes to make twice baked potatoes
  • serve scoops of mashed potatoes
  • scoop butter into small butter balls

I’m sure you get the idea. Oh, and they also make great toys for the kids to play with. They can scoop up rice in a  sensory bin, the squeezing with help improve their motor skills. You can also pop a pompom ball in the scoop and let them practice their balancing skills. Possibilities are endless. Don’t forget it’s original intention, scooping out ice cream!

Happy scooping!

Diana L.